Optolong L-Ultimate 2" Light Pollution Dual Band Filter - LULT-200 (for emission nebula)

Article number: LULT-200
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Optolong L-Ultimate 2" Light Pollution Dual Band Filter

The Optolong L-Ultimate is Optolong's newest and NARROWEST dualband filter. This is an exceptional choice for amateur astrophotographers who use one shot color (OSC) cameras for deep space imaging. This 3nm dualband filter will cut through the light pollution and provide high contrast data for you to process and enjoy.

The L-Ultimate from Optolong is a 2" threaded light pollution filter. While the L-Ultimate is similar to Optolong's L-eNhance and L-eXtreme filters in that it is a dual band filter that allows the transmission of Oxygen III and Hydrogen Alpha wavelengths, the L-Ultimate differs in that it only allows a 3 nm badwidth at both the H-Alpha and OIII transmission lines. Compare this to the 7 nm of the L-eXtreme.

Transmission on this dual-narrowband filter occurs at 500.7 nm (OIII) and 656.3 nm (Ha), both with a 3 nm bandwidth. All other light is blocked, allowing greater capture of nebulae emissions at a greatly enhanced signal-to-noise ratio. This filter is particularly helpful in heavily light polluted areas.

Compatible with DSLR and color and mono CMOS and CCD cameras. This filter can be used with scopes that have a focal ratio greater than f/4.



Sbustrate optical glass
FWHM OIII 3nm Ha 3nm
Blocking range 300-1000nm
Blocking >OD4
Surface quality 60/40
Transmitted Wavefront RMS: λ/4
Parallelism 30seconds

Reference Spectrum


※This curve is only for reference, and is not used as the final product data.

Narrow, 3-nanometer Transmission
This filter from Optolong eliminates light at all wavelengths other than the Oxygen III and Hydrogen Alpha. Transmission for this filter occurs at 500.7 nanometers (OIII) and 656.3 nanometers (Ha), with a very narrow 3 nm bandwidth at both emission lines. Light from mercury and sodium street lights are suppressed, as well as unwanted natural light.

A Filter of Great Quality
The L-Ultimate filter from Optolong sports a number of high quality manufacturing features. Offered in a 2" threaded form factor, this filter is compatible with all 2" accessories with accommodating threads. Additionally, the glass has a very small optical thickness, at 1.85 mm.

Reduce or Eliminate Haloing Effects
Tests on the bright star, 52 Cyg, show that there is virtually NO halo effects! This is a star that is notorious for giving amateur astrophotographers with lesser filters, a bit of trouble.

L-Ultimate Filter Performance

Nebulae Flying Bat and Squid in the constellation of Cepheus.
Squid (OU4) is a region characterized by very weak OIII emission with a bipolar shape reminiscent of planetary nebulae. Recent studies suggest that Ou4 is actually internal to SH2-129 (the H-alpha-emitting flying bat nebula, reddish in the image), generated by a triple star system located in the center (HR8119, visible as the bright star in the center of Squid).
The distance from our solar system is estimated at about 1300 light years.
The lights were taken over 2 years, with total integration equal to 29 hours (21.5 for OU4 and 7.5 for SH2-129).
This project gave me the opportunity to test the Omegon veTEC 571C camera and the Optolong L-Ultimate filter with excellent results for both products.

Lights: 258x300s (Ou4, L-Extreme) + 30x900s (Sh2-129, L-Ultimate)

Telescope1: Apocromatic TS PhotoLine 102 f/5,6 Triplet FPL53
Telescope2: Takahashi FS60CB @ f/4.2
Camera1: ZWO ASI 294mc Pro
Camera2: Omegon veTEC 571C
Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 GT
Filters: Optolong Astronomy Filter L-Extreme + L-Ultimate
Processing: DeepSkyStacker, Photoshop CC, PixInsight 
Credit:Tommaso Massimo Stella (Italy)





Objects: Veil Nebula
Camera: QHY168C
Telescope: Pentax 100 SDUF II F/4
Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ5GT
Filter: Optolong 3nm L-Ultimate Filter
Frames: 13 x 240sec lights
Credit:Tommy Lim KW (Malaysia)






Sh2-132 The Lion nebula
Prosegue il test del filtro  Ultimate della Optolong Astronomy Filter
96 light da 300 sec 
No dark no flat
Credit:Andrea Maggi






Supernova remnant W63

Supernova remnant W63 glows like a faint cosmic smoke ring along the plane of the Milky Way toward the northern constellation Cygnus. Its spectral appearance is reflected in the region's rich complex of interstellar clouds and dust by an eerie blue glow, captured with Optolong's new dual band 3nn filter!! L-Ultimate...

Canon Eos MK IV mod by CentralDS 20x900" ISO3200
Optolong L-Ultimate
Skywatcher AZ-GTI mount
Guide camera ZWO ASI 120MM
Credit:José Jiménez (Spain)






We continue with the tests of the Optolong L-Ultimate filter...

Sharpless 129
Canon Eos MK IV mod by CentralDS 30x900" ISO3200
Optolong L-Ultimate
Credit:José Jiménez (Spain)






NGC6888 HOO Version
Telescope ASKAR 500
Camera Zwo ASI 6200
Filter Optolong 3nm
Software Voyager
Credit:Andrea Maggi (Italy)






NGC7635 & Sh2-157
Due ore stanotte da Saint Barthelemy
Telescopio Askar 80 PH
Camera Asi 2600
Filtro Optolong Ultimate
Credit:Andrea Maggi (Italy)




Click here for more TESTIMONIAL & REVIEWhttps://optolong.com/cms/column/index/id/56.html



Warm prompt

●About color: due to the influence of ambient light, color difference of the display and flash photography, the color of the product may have some color difference. Detailed color is in accordana with the final product.

●About coating: the interference filter will show different colors under different light, which is a normal phenomenon. Please refer to the material object.

●About the style: in order to improve the product, the change of design/appearance/parameters has not been updated in time. Please see the subject produce.

●About the description: the series of this product have the same material, technology and design, different sizes only, please note.

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