Astrozap AZ-154 Flexible Dew Shield for Meade 6 LX65

Article number: AZ-154
Availability: More on the Way to us
Delivery time: More on the Way to Us

Meade 6" LX65 Flexi-Shield® flexible dew shield with notch

  • The dew shield is the basic component of the passive dew fighting system with the added feature of shielding the telescope from undesirable stray light.
  • Felt-lined to help absorb moisture and to prevent extraneous light from reaching the optics and greatly improving contrast.
  • Made from the highest quality ABS-grade polymers.
  • Velcro fasteners provide a snug fit and padded so as not to mar or scratch the telescope's finish.
  • They roll up easily into a convenient size for easy transportation to star parties and dark sky sites.

 Proudly manufactured in the USA!

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